sabato 10 marzo 2007

Day 2.
You know that I have said, over and over again, that Gurdjieff's work does not consist in withdrawing from life. It does not consist in repudiating any of the obligations of life. We have the obligation towards ourselves to live our own lives with their possibilities. We have the obligation toward our immediate surrounding, our families, or dependents. If anyone thinks that he can carry out his own inner transformation bu turning his back on the outer life, he deceives himself entirely, and he is in a great danger of being quite lost in dreams. Or chief recourse against the danger of being lost in dreams is to learn how to live outwardly and how to fulfill the obligations of our outer life.

J.G. Bennett "Making a Soul"

Spero che sia comprensibile a chi conosce l'inglese, comunque la traduzione sarà pubblicata a breve.
In sostanza non è scappando dalle proprie responsabilità, e da ciò che ci ha creato, che possiamo aspettarci di trovare il Lavoro, forse possiamo costruire qualcosa ma fino a che non paghiamo il debito della nostra esistenza in relazione a cio che siamo non saremo mai realmente liberi.

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